Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Frustrated with Me

Why is it that life is so frustrating!! So many important choices to make.... Do I wanna live right? Follow a godly life which is what I should want. I want God's will in my life and I know the only way that's gonna happen is if I lay everything down and give him everything! To stop reaching for things of this world and let God have complete control of my life.
  That sounds so easy...why Is it so easy to "say " but so hard to do? If anyone figures it out I'd love to know how to conquer it. I need to beat my worldly desires.... and give it all to God.
Why do I think I need bad things?? Its the devil trying to destroy me!! I'm in such a battle with myself. I hate this! Feels like a prison!! I just can't turn it off sometimes.  I am envious of people who have that "miraculous" change! Maybe it'll happen for me eventually.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Just the Beginning


Whats up in my life right now? Not to far into 2014 and I am a full time student at a Cosmetology it! Ive made some good friends and soo ready to graduate! I missed a few days in the first 6 months- I dont plan to miss any if it can be helped this year. Obviously things happen- but I am so ready to graduate and accomplish this goal!! SOOO this is my year to do it!! and I will!! I want to be the best Mom I can be and give my boys things they deserve and want. I am tired of struggling in life and never finishing my goals..... I am going to do it this year.

Well, tonight I am sitting at my uncle's house cleaning. It is snowing outside and tomorrow we will have yet another snow day. My son and I will both miss school. I am so tired of this weather!! One second it is nice out- and in no need of a jacket...the next we are freezing our butts off and fighting traffic to get home safely out of the blizzard-like snow.I am going to Cosmetology school and hope to graduate by September. But it is based totally on our hours- and each day that we miss- it adds on another 6 hour day.... UGHHHH!~ 155 hours seems so far away!! I have 630 hrs as of now. 
Tonight, my sisters boyfriend Alex is in ICU. The doctor has diagnosed him as of right now with Meningococcal Meningitis. He isnt doing great! SO I am praying right now for him. So much sickness has went around ad I want my family free of it! Lord, Im asking that you wrap your arms around our family and protect Alex from what this sickness can do. 

I guess this is it for now- its just the neginning of my blogging.... but it is 1:22am... so Im crashing. My blogs may come off as boring to some people lol- to all of you maybe.... however- i REALLY  dont care. It is really kinda a stress reliever for myself. I love to write... I write when Im happy, sad....mad.... you name it and I can always find something to write about it lol. I guess it just makes me feel better. So I guess I could just buy a journal.... but Im the worlds worst at keeping up with it. Ill start one and then Ill just go buy another one and start in it....If I combined all my unfinished journals- Id probably have 2 or 3 full ones.... who knows! So anywho~~ here we go!!~ Into the mind of Mary Hampton!~lol~~ What a ride it shall be! haha.