Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Frustrated with Me

Why is it that life is so frustrating!! So many important choices to make.... Do I wanna live right? Follow a godly life which is what I should want. I want God's will in my life and I know the only way that's gonna happen is if I lay everything down and give him everything! To stop reaching for things of this world and let God have complete control of my life.
  That sounds so easy...why Is it so easy to "say " but so hard to do? If anyone figures it out I'd love to know how to conquer it. I need to beat my worldly desires.... and give it all to God.
Why do I think I need bad things?? Its the devil trying to destroy me!! I'm in such a battle with myself. I hate this! Feels like a prison!! I just can't turn it off sometimes.  I am envious of people who have that "miraculous" change! Maybe it'll happen for me eventually.

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