Friday, June 27, 2014

Wishful Thinking

Would ♡ to have them together
Welp....The past few months have been so hectic. Bryanna moved in with me for about 3 months and literally ruined my life! I've missed so much school because of her. ...I'm on a leave right now til July 24th. I'm so ready to go back so I can get done! But now I'm lookin at graduating in like February.  Sux sooooo bad!!! But I have to finish!!! I can't let everyone down....but most of all I can't quit on myself.
Reba Hampton died this month. So sad...she was such a sweet woman! I went to her funeral and it was sad but a perfect home going service. So many Hamptons were there. Jimmy was as well. It makes me sad when I see him. We are on good terms now.. .but I wish so much he and I could fix us......or build a new us. It would be so amazing if we could restore our relationship and our family. It would be a total miracle if it ever happened. Would have to be of God.

Posted via Blogaway

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